Protecting persons,
property and the environment
Protecting persons,
property and the environment

Slide NNR LTO Public Hearings Athlone 17 February 2024 Slide NNR LTO Public Hearings 10 February 2024 Atlantis, Cape Town Slide NNR LTO Public Hearings
3 February 2024
Church on the Rise, Tableview, Cape Town.
Slide The IAEA Global Nuclear Safety and Security Communications Network Steering Committee concluded that “Embracing creativity, collaboration and innovation is necessary for improving interdisciplinary competency in communications.” Read More Slide The National Research Foundation and National Nuclear Regulator strategic partnership agreement Read More The National Research Foundation (NRF) and National Nuclear Regulator’s (NNR) Centre of Excellence for Nuclear Safety and Security (CNSS) have concluded a strategic partnership agreement aimed at strengthening the development of critical nuclear safety and security skills in the nuclear energy sector... Slide NNR Board Chairperson, Mr Protas Phili and NNR CEO, Ms Ditebogo Kgomo attend the 67th IAEA General Conference in Vienna from 25-29 September 2023. The NNR Board Chairperson and NNR CEO formed part of the South African delegation who attended the 67th IAEA General Conference in Vienna from 25-29 September 2023. During the conference they attended various thematic plenary sessions and also met with high-ranking officials from NNR bilateral counterparts namely; the National Nuclear Safety Administration China, the United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission, the French Nuclear Safety Authority and the Dutch Authority for Nuclear Safety and Radiation Protection of the Netherlands. Slide NNR signs MOU for cooperation and exchange of information in nuclear regulatory matters with the Dutch Authority for Nuclear Safety and Radiation Protection On 26 September 2023, the NNR CEO, Ms Ditebogo Kgomo and Chair of the Board of the Dutch Authority for Nuclear Safety and Radiation Protection of the Netherlands (ANVS) Ms Annemiek van Bolhuis concluded the signing of a regulatory cooperation MOU which makes a formal commitment to cooperation and collaboration in matters of nuclear safety. IAEA Conference NNR CEO Ms. Ditebogo Kgomo participates as a panelist in the session - Harmonization, Innovation, and New Technologies: Approaches to Enhance Regulatory Agility during the IAEA International Conference on Effective Nuclear and Radiation Systems being held from 13-16 February 2023 in Abu Dhabi in the UAE UAE International Conf IAEA International Conference on Effective Nuclear and Radiation Regulatory Systems taking place from 13–16 February 2023, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates IRRS Bangladesh Senior NNR officials participate in the International Atomic Energy Agency’s (IAEA) Integrated Regulatory Review Service (IRRS) mission to Bangladesh. Read More

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The most frequently asked questions are answered in this section.

How does a nuclear reactor work?

Nuclear reactors are, fundamentally, large kettles, which are used to heat water to produce enormous amounts of low-carbon electricity. They come in different sizes and shapes, and can be powered by a variety of different fuels.

About Nuclear Energy

Nuclear energy holds the atoms that make up our universe together. This energy is released both when larger atoms split apart, undergoing fission, and when smaller atoms combine together, known as fusion.

Ionizing Radiation

Radiation is energy. It can come from unstable atoms that undergo radioactive decay, or it can be produced by machines

What to do during a
nuclear emergency

A key component of the mission of the NNR is to ensure adequate protective actions are in place to protect the health and safety of the public. Protective actions are taken to avoid or reduce radiation dose and are sometimes referred to as protective measures.

Understanding Radiation

Radiation Basics

The most frequently asked questions are answered in this sections.

About Radon

We are continuously exposed to radioactivity in everyday life. Some of the most familiar sources of radiation include microwave ovens in our kitchens and the radios we listen to in our cars. Most of the radiation we are exposed to carries no risk to our health.One source of natural radiation that presents a danger is radon — a radioactive gas with no colour, smell or taste. It is released from bedrock material and passes through the soil. It then tends to dilute in the air, so outdoors, radon poses no harm to human health.

Safety & Security

Nuclear Power Plants

The Koeberg nuclear power station is located on the West Coast of South Africa, approximately 27 km north of Cape Town and is currently the only nuclear power station on the African continent. It has twin pressurised water reactors with a combined net capacity of 1854 Mwe and is operated under the Nuclear Installation Licence, NIL-01 Variation 19 with conditions and requirements prescribed by the National Nuclear Regulator.


Radionuclides of natural origin contained in or released from process materials may pose a risk to workers, public or the environment. These radioactive elements in minerals and ores originally found in the environment are commonly known as NORM – naturally occurring radioactive material. Some NORM materials require radiation control and regulation.

NNR concludes public consultation for the Koeberg LTO application.

08 June 2024: Khayelitsha Cape Town:

The National Nuclear Regulator shares information on Nuclear Safety and various career opportunities during the Youth Career Day at Seventh Day Adventist Church in Khayelitsha.


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