Protecting persons,
property and the environment
Protecting persons,
property and the environment


The Board of Directors is the Accounting Authority in terms of the PFMA and the NNR Act. The Board is appointed for a renewable period of three years by the Minister of Mineral Resources and Energy. In terms of Section 8 (1) and (2) of the NNR Act, the Regulator is governed and controlled, in accordance with the NNR Act, by a Board of Directors to ensure that the objectives of the NNR Act are carried out, and to exercise general control over the performance of the Regulator’s functions. The Regulator is governed by a unitary Board of Directors who, collectively, have the required experience and business acumen to guide the company’s strategy and governance.

The Board of Directors embraces the principles of good corporate governance and considers these as the underlying philosophy in creating organisational excellence at all levels within the Regulator. The Board sets the precedent in driving the ethics of good governance and the Directors, collectively and individually, acknowledge their responsibilities and duties in terms of the Board Charter and other governance, regulatory and legislative requirements.

Board of Directors

Mr. P Phili

Board Chairperson.

Bachelor Of Commerce In Accounting, Post-Graduate Diploma In Accounting, Advanced Certificate In Auditing, Master Of Commerce Chartered Accountant – CA(SA).


Ms. D Peta

Board Deputy Chairperson, Audit and Risk Management Committee & Nuclear Safety & Technical Committee.

LLM, Environmental Law LLB, Post Graduate Diploma: International Maritime Law, Post Graduate Diploma: Drafting and interpretation of contracts.

Mr. K Maphoto
Board Member & Nuclear Safety & Technical Committee.

Executive Leadership Programme, MSc (Applied Environmental Nuclear Physics), BSc (Hons) Physics, BSc (Physics and Chemistry).

Dr. P Naidoo

Board Member, Audit & Risk Management Committee & Nuclear Safety & Technical Committee.

Philosophiae Doctor (PhD), Master of Science in Electrical Engineering (MSc Eng), Master of Business Administration (MBA).

Ms. V Bendeman

Board Member & Audit & Risk Management Committee.

LLB, BA Law, Practical Legal Training, Certificate of Competence in Business Communication Skills, Course in Procurement and Tender Approval, Legal Drafting Certificate, Certificate in Medical- Legal Practice, Executive Coaching.

Dr. N Malumbazo

Board Member, Nuclear Safety & Technical Committee Chairperson & Human Resources & Remuneration Committee.

PhD (Chem. Eng.), MSc in Synthesis Organic Chemistry, BSc (Hons) in Chemistry, BSc in Chemistry, Biochemistry and Microbiology.

Mr. P Heeger

Board Member, Nuclear Safety & Technical Committee & Human Resources & Remuneration Committee.

Chartered Building Consultant , Architectural Professional Practice Examinations, Graduate Diploma Examination, (Engineering Council UK), Construction Management.

Mr. H Khambule

Board Member, Audit & Risk Management Committee & Human Resources & Remuneration Committee.

LLB, Environmental Entrepreneurship Sustainability Initiative, Bachelor of Politics, Philosophy and Economics – in progress.

Mr. M Mosia

Board Member, Nuclear Safety & Technical Committee & Human Resources & Remuneration Committee.

Higher Certificate in Business, Management, BTech Project Management, National Diploma Mechanical, Qualified Fitter & Turner, Management & Leadership Development Programme, Eskom Supervisory Development Programme.

Ms. V Bahlekazi

Board Member, Human Resources & Remuneration Committee Chairperson & Audit and Risk Management Committee .

B.Juris, LLB, Masters in Labour Law, Management Advanced Programme (MAP), Post Graduate Diploma in Business Administration (PDBA).

Ms. M Phiri

Board Member, Audit & Risk Management Committee Chairperson & Human Resources & Remuneration Committee.

Bcom. Accounting Degree, CTA/Bcompt honours,CA(SA).

Role of the Board

The Board sets the precedent in driving the ethics of good governance and the Directors, collectively and individually, acknowledge their responsibilities and duties in terms of the Board Charter and other governance, regulatory and legislative requirements. The Board of Directors is ultimately accountable for the governance and performance of the NNR.  The main focus of the Board is to ensure that strategy, risk, performance and sustainability considerations are effectively integrated and appropriately balanced. The Board ensures that NNR is governed in accordance with leading corporate governance practices, appropriate and relevant industry rules, codes and standards, and internal control systems.

Board Charter

The Board Charter is reviewed annually and sets out the responsibilities of the Board, its Directors and NNR  management. The charter ensures that the Board exercises full control over significant matters, including the Regulator’s vision, mission and values, strategic objectives, strategic plans, annual budget, and performance monitoring against set objectives, as well as its design, integrated report, and annual financial statements. The Board Charter supports independence and objective decision-making with no Director holding unfettered decision-making powers. Director “independence” is aligned with King IV, while non-executive Directors who represent government departments are not considered as independent. None of the Directors have contractual or family relationships with the company, nor do they participate in company incentive schemes or charities that benefit from donations by the Regulator. This ensures fair, unbiased, and unfettered judgements about matters that affect the Regulator.

Composition of the Board

The Board comprises nine non-executive Directors who are independently appointed by the Minister of Mineral Resources and Energy, and an Executive Director (Chief Executive Officer). Board members, including the Chief Executive Officer, hold office for a maximum of three years, but are eligible for re-appointment. The Board consists of nine Directors, including six independent Non-executive Directors, two non-independent Non-executive Directors (government representatives) and the CEO as an Executive Director. The Board adopted the principles of openness, integrity and accountability as espoused in the King Code on Corporate Governance (King IV). All directors have a fiduciary duty to exercise due care and skill in carrying out their responsibilities. The Board is accountable to the shareholder for the Corporation’s activities and performance. The roles of the Chairperson and CEO are separated. The Chairperson is an independent Non-executive Director who ensures that the Board functions efficiently and operates as a unit. The responsibility for managing the Corporation’s business is delegated to the CEO, as the Executive Director accountable to the Board.

Board Committees

In terms of the NNR Act, the Board has established committees and delegated responsibilities efficiently and effectively. The committees are governed by Board-approved Terms of Reference (ToR) that define the composition, role, responsibilities, and delegated authority of each committee. The respective ToRs are aligned with regulatory requirements and governance best practice. Board Committee ToRs are reviewed annually, as recommended by King IV. The Board committees are the Audit and Risk Management Committee, Human Resources and Remuneration Committees and Nuclear Safety and Technical Committee. The Board remains ultimately accountable for the proper fulfilment of committee functions. Committee chairpersons report to the Board on their deliberations and recommendations.

Risk Management

Risk management in the NNR is fundamental for the delivery of the organisation’s mandate, and achievement of strategic deliverables. The Board is responsible for the governance and mitigation of risk and holds the Chief Executive Officer and the Management accountable for risk management.

Code of Conduct

The NNR’s code of conduct and ethics framework is aligned to the public servants code of conduct. The framework sets out the ethical standards and behaviours which must be adhered to. The code of conduct serves to guide employees as to what is expected of them from an ethical point of view, both in their individual conduct in public and private life. In line with our vision to be an independent leading nuclear regulator, the conduct of NNR employees is guided by core organisational values which have been developed for the benefit of the Regulator and its employees. Its prime purpose is to promote a culture of ethical behaviour and to instil public trust and confidence in the regulator’s employees who are required to be impartial and to act with integrity. The framework covers inter alia the relationships between employees and stakeholders, conflicts of interest, and information security. Breaches to the code of conduct are handled in accordance with the applicable organisational processes. Serious offences of misconduct such as the unauthorised disclosure of classified information may result in criminal charges being laid against the offender.

Company/Board Secretary

The Company Secretary guides and assists the Board of Directors to discharge their legal oversight and regulatory responsibilities and duties in the best interests of the Regulator. The Company Secretary’s duties include providing Directors with timely and unrestricted access to corporate information, director training, induction, Board and Board committee performance evaluations, meeting agendas and minutes.

The information in this section is subject to continual change. If you notice any errors or omissions, contact us so that we may correct them.


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Delphi Arch Building
Cape Town

P.O. Box 46055

Telephone: +27 (21) 553 9500

Regulatory Emergency Response Centre

Tel: +27 (12) 674 7120 (during response)

Fax: 086 742 6038


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