The NNR’s Regulatory Framework consists of legally binding requirements by International Safety Conventions, laws passed by Parliament that govern the regulation of South Africa’s nuclear industry, regulations, authorisations, conditions of authorisations, requirements and guidance documents that the NNR uses to regulate the industry. Requirements are developed in conjunction with the applicable authorised action and effectively covers all the relevant requirements on the holder.
The NNR enforces these requirements on all applicants and authorisation holders. Certain requirements in the legislation are prescriptive to the extent that no further elaboration is necessary. Other requirements are broad in nature.
The NNR establishes additional requirements based on international best practices. These requirements are registered either directly in the authorisations or in “Requirements Documents”.
The following provides the basis for the NNR’s Regulatory Practices;
The NNR Safety Standards are premised on international standards such as the IAEA Safety Standards, the UK NII Safety Principles and the WENRA Reference levels. The safety standards provides the principal safety criteria relating to risk criteria, and dose limits for normal operating conditions, applicable to members of the public and workers.
The safety standards further lay down principal radiation and nuclear safety requirements which are applied to all nuclear installations and other regulated actions, and include the following:
The radiological dose and risk limits for the public and workers relate directly to the objectives of nuclear and radiation safety, and are therefore considered the most fundamental yardsticks against which to assess nuclear safety, contributing towards a more consistent and transparent basis for regulatory decision making. The dose limits are consistent with the IAEA Basic Safety Standards. Basic principles underlying the risk criteria are as follows:
The following general nuclear and radiation safety principles underpin and form the basis of the NNR Safety Standards:
The nuclear sector in South Africa is governed by the Nuclear Energy Act 1999, Act 46 of 1999, the National Radioactive Waste Disposal Institute Act, Act 53 of 2008 and the National Nuclear Regulator (NNR) Act 1999, Act 47 of 1999. These Acts are administered by the Department of Energy.
Other legislation of relevance to the nuclear industry are the Hazardous Substances Act, the Non-Proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction Act, the Patent Act, the National Strategic Intelligence Act, the National Key Points Act, the Protection of Constitutional Democracy Against Terrorist and Related Activities Act, the Mine Health and Safety Act, the Mineral and Petroleum Resources Development Act, the National Environmental Management Act, the National Water Act and the Dumping at Sea Control Act.
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